Back Clinics of Canada

Preventing Back Injuries While Playing Golf

Playing golf while avoiding back injuriesWith over 5.7 million golfers in Canada*, golf has become the most popular recreational sport in Canada. This is due to an increase in baby boomers retiring and the increase in golf courses in the country. With summer just beginning, even the most casual golfers are beginning to take advantage of the weather.

Many golfers, both casual and serious, frequently injure their back because they do not take into account the potentially taxing strain on their bodies that comes with golfing. The most common injury occurs in one’s lower back.

There are several ways in which you can take proactive steps to prevent injury in your lower back from holding back your golfing:

Stretching: It is all too often that a golfer will go directly to the tee early in the morning and immediately begin with their driver. This can lead to straining one’s back muscles, which will lead to lower back pain. Make sure to take the time to stretch before taking that first swing. It is important to emphasize stretching the shoulder, torso, hip and hamstring.

Start with your upper body and move your way down. Some simple stretches such as rotating your shoulders and neck are a good way to start. By pulling your k
nees to your chest
you will be able to work on your hips. Don’t forget to work on your hamstrings by bending over and touching your toes.

Practice Swings: There is no reason to jump immediately into using a driver. It is best to work your way up to a big swing gradually. Start with a wedge and slowly begin to use other clubs. This will ensure that the first swing that you take does not come as a shock to your back.

Proper Mechanics: Having proper mechanics cannot only improve your golf game but it will also prevent more injuries. By working with a professional or practicing on your own, you will be able to maximize your swing while minimizing the impact on your body. By spreading out the force throughout your body during your swings, you will not have as much stress on your lower back muscles.

Lift with Your Knees: Your golf bag might not be part of the game but it will be part of the reason your back could be in pain. Make sure that before you lift your bag, you are lifting with your knees and not your back. Lifting with your knees will put less stress on your back . Additionally, using two bag straps instead of one will allow you to distribute the weight evenly on your back and reduce the chance of having lower back pain because of an uneven load.

If you are experiencing pain from a low back injury, please visit a back pain specialist who can find and treat the source of the pain. Back Clinics of Canada provides the necessary treatment and care for all athletes that have endured pain from sports related injuries. Our offices have the most state of the art equipment to ensure that you are back on the greens without the use of any drugs or surgery.

*According to the National Allied Golf Association

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