Back Clinics of Canada

Meningitis Outbreak Linked to Back Pain Steroid Injections

Recent news is not good for US back pain sufferers who look to steroid injections for back pain relief. In fact, news is downright scary. Beginning in early October, reports from the United States inform us that a commonly used steroid used primarily for back pain has been found to be contaminated by a fungus. Preservative-free methylprednisolone acetate (used to treat pain and inflammation), manufactured by the New England Compounding Center (NECC), has been contaminated by a deadly fungal meningitis. Patients across 23 states have received the contaminated steroid injections.

As of October 14, 2012, 15 people from nine states died in this meningitis outbreak linked to the contaminated steroid; 198 people are seriously ill. According to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, as many as 14,000 people may have received the medicine between May 21 and September 24.

The NECC is removing all of its products from circulation. The Food and Drug Administrations is investigating the contamination. Lawmakers are introducing bills to strengthen the FDA’s oversight of compounding pharmacies.  According to FDA spokeswoman Erica Jefferson, the FDA has been working on new guidelines to ensure the safety of pharmaceutical products since 2006. (Currently the FDA does not have jurisdiction over compounding pharmacies until there is actually a problem.)

This story pains me to no end. I am sorry for the victims. I hope the people who are sick receive fast and proper care so they can heal. It infuriates me that people suffering with back pain even consider steroid injections when, a) there is a risk of infection, or worse, and b) steroid injections are in fact dubious in their ability to successfully heal and relieve back pain.  The Annals of Internal Medicine published a report in April 2012 showing that a randomized trial of steroid injections for back pain revealed that they are no more effective than a placebo! (

Having said this, I can fully understand the desperation pain sufferers have when they are searching for any credible option to relieve their pain.

So what is a patient to do? Fortunately, there is treatment available that that targets and heals damaged spinal discs and relieves back pain with NO INJECTIONS, NO DRUGS, and NO SURGERY.

Back Clinics of Canada offers the High Performance Healing SystemTM  This proprietary system is exclusively available through Back Clinics of Canada. It features an integrative three-pronged approach utilizing 1) Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression; 2) Disc Renewal PlusTM nutritional supplementation system, and 3) Class IV K-Laser therapy. Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is the state-of-the-art computerized technology that safely targets and stretches damaged discs, painlessly, to assist with their healing. Disc Renewal PlusTM offers the body a pharmaceutical grade combination of essential nutrients to support healing of damaged discs on the cellular lining of the disc. (Disc Renewal PlusTM is only available from Back Clinics of Canada.) Class IV K-Laser therapy offers a medical breakthrough laser approach to support healing of damaged disc tissue, without cutting or burning! Back Clinics of Canada was the first clinic in Canada to offer this most powerful, effective and safe therapeutic laser. (

The High Performance Healing SystemTM is being used to help heal painful conditions including (but not limited to) bulging or herniated discs, sciatica, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, and facet syndrome. Taking back pain care a step further, we have found that when this treatment is combined simple at-home stretches to improve flexibility and build core strength, the results are incomparable.

Back Clinics of Canada is the only Toronto back pain clinic to offer the High Performance Healing SystemTM, an integrated approach to care that results in highly successful outcomes for qualified patients. Best thing is, our care offers no risky side-effects, no scarring, and a speedy return to an active pain-free life.

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